One parish.
Two churches.
Every person matters.
Welcome to Church!
Join in Worship on Sunday
9:00 AM Mt Sion Lutheran - Kasson (10:15 AM SS)
10:45 AM Zion Lutheran - Dexter (9:30 AM SS)
You are invited to listen weekly to a short message by Pastor Mark Olson designed to encourage you in your faith.
This week’s promise is “A Friend Loves At All Times”.
Have you found yourself dreaming about the beach lately? May we suggest learning about and praying for another new Free Lutheran church that meets right on Waikiki Beach? We invite you to listen to the unique story of this island church as told by its founding pastor, Brady Arneson.
Today's Bible Verse
Every Person Matters
We live in the present. We look forward to tomorrow, but nothing is guaranteed except that we have the opportunity to experience and value each day God gives us. Jesus matters. People matter. This was true decades ago when our churches began. This is true today. In fact, this will be true forever.
You are certainly invited to visit one of our churches. Even though we are small and do not have numerous programs and activities, please know that we would love to meet you because we know that you matter to God. However, even if we never have the privilege to connect with you in person, it is still our desire to help and bless you. We seek to highlight many quality Christian resources that are available for your use and entirely free. We also want to recommend partners that also believe that both Jesus and people matter.
Jesus’ prayer to the Father revealed the amazing love and unity to be experienced by his followers: ” I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me” (John 17:23). We believe in crazy love and an amazing, seemingly impossible unity, where every person matters in the presence and care of our Triune God.
Jesus invites us to follow him, which always creates adventures. As a parish we regularly embark on adventures. These allow us to meet people that Jesus deeply cares about. This also helps us to see places and have experiences that help us grow in our faith and our understanding of the world God created.
Worship. Hospitality. Prayer. Service. Friendships. Absolutely everything is made better by the connections that we have with Jesus and the people around us. While we value this deeply, we never want to stop growing in our connections.
We are two congregations that are fortunate enough to have a very big God. We dream about God working in our lives and the lives of each person we meet. We dream more about our connections than size. We dream about Jesus bringing healing and forgiveness to people and places of great need.